Class 1 – EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), Years 1 & 2:
Current government guidelines for Year 1 and 2 is 1 hour a week.
- Reading: read to an adult daily (the more, the better – 5 minutes each day is plenty). 3 reading books are sent home weekly, which are matched to the sounds and common exception words that have been taught in phonics lessons. These can be explored with an adult through comprehension and vocabulary activities. Please sign your child’s reading record and make any notes regarding your child’s reading.
- Phonics: practise new sounds from the ‘Twinkl Parent Sheet’ throughout the week. Reception children will have a new sound most days and Year 1 & 2 children will have a new sound/spelling rule each week.
- Spellings: there will be ‘common exception words/tricky words’ for children to practise on the ‘Twinkl Parent Sheet’. Year 1 and Year 2 children will be sent home with additional words to practise throughout the year and will begin to practise for a weekly spelling test in the Summer Term before going into Year 2.
- Talk Homework: Chatter Matters (to prepare for a weekly piece of writing) – any talking you can do will help your child with their writing.
- Maths: songs, activities and games will be posted on Google Classroom throughout the term with occasional Maths sheets sent home to support children’s learning, including activities on our online learning platform Purple Mash.
- Topic homework as and when required, including activities on our online learning platform Purple Mash.
Additional homework activities introduced in Year 2:
- Times Tables Rock Stars – the children begin to familiarise themselves with times tables facts and participate in fun challenges.
- Doodle Maths activities – ‘Little and often’ is an effective way to consolidate and boost learning.
Class 2: Years 3 & 4
Current government guidelines for Year 3 and 4 is 1.5 hours a week
- Read to an adult at least 3 x a week (the more, the better – a little each day is ideal). Parent/Carer to sign child’s reading record and add any notes regarding their child’s reading.
- Spellings with a weekly test – available on Purple Mash to practise
- Times Tables Rock Stars – including participating in tournaments and challenges
- Doodle Maths activities – ‘Little and often’ is an effective way to consolidate and boost learning. Ideally, children should complete at least one or two activities on Doodle Maths each day.
- Talk Homework (to prepare for the weekly ‘Big Write’) – any talking you can do will help your child with their writing.
- Topic homework as and when required.
Class 3: Years 5 & 6
Current Government Guidelines for Years 5 & 6 is 30 minutes five times a week
- Read to an adult at least 3 x a week (the more, the merrier – a little each day is ideal). Parent/Carer to sign child’s reading record, even if your older child is reading independently.
- Spellings with a weekly test – available on Purple Mash to practise
- Times Tables Rock Stars – daily practise for speed and fluency, including participating in tournaments and challenges
- Doodle Maths activities – ‘Little and often’ is an effective way to consolidate and boost learning. Ideally, children should complete at least one or two activities on Doodle Maths each day.
- Talk Homework (to prepare for ‘Big Write’) – any talking you can do will help your child with their writing.
Please contact your child’s teacher if you are unsure about any of the homework requirements or if you require your child’s log-in details for our online learning platforms.