Clubs Booking Information

You can book breakfast or after school clubs half a term at a time, weekly, or whenever you need them using the booking facility on your child’s ParentPay account. Bookings must be pre-paid, however they can be cancelled at any time until the start of the event, and the credit then remains on your account to be used for further bookings, or is refunded back to you on request.

In the case of an emergency, you can book up until 3:00 on the day for after school clubs and up to midnight the evening before for breakfast clubs. If you do book a club last minute, please also let school know so we know to send your child to club at the end of the school day.

We accept childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare credit; however, these too must be pre-paid in advance, during term time, together with payment notification to, so the funds can be credited to ParentPay and used as payment for your bookings. If you are setting up a tax-free childcare account, we need your child’s unique reference number.

For information regarding the clubs that we offer together with current prices, please see the Club Details page.