In Class 3 we aim to be strong independent learners. We try to be brave and push ourselves to take risks and have a go. We know that if we don’t get something right first time, it shows that we tried something ambitious and we know that we can learn a lot from our mistakes. We hate time-wasting and we try to always be positive and make the best of things.
In the mornings we focus on Maths and Literacy. Our other morning subjects are: ICT, RE, History, and Geography. We also have weekly forest school sessions every other half-term. In the afternoons we enjoy: science, German, PE, Art, Music, PSHE, and swimming.
For homework, we try to build on our independent learning skills by accessing our online learning platform ‘Doodle’. This gives us chance to practice our skills and consolidate the learning we have done in class in Maths and English. We regularly complete our ‘Talk Homework’ to prepare our ideas for writing at school. In addition to this, we read at home, learn our spellings and practice times tables.
Our main class teacher is Mrs Harrison who is supported by our Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Mrs Lewis, but we are lucky to have lots of teachers specialising in different subjects; we are also taught some subjects by Mrs Norton, Mrs Cook and Mrs King.